Monday, June 13, 2011

more swim practice pictures...

before swim started i think sam and i where both convinced i was totally crazy to have signed the boys up.  but i must say it's been great!  it might be because i don't even have to get into my car to get there.  or that i didn't have to actually volunteer for any of the meets but... i think it's really because it's been good for all of us.  you know how kids are when they get home from school all full of pent up energy from having to sit all day.  and you also know how that last like hour is before dad get home from work.  well maybe i'm the only one.  but i must say having something that gets us out of the house for this specific short period of time has been wonderful.  they have a way to get their energy out.  i get out of the house at a time when i'm usually starting to lose it. and we all get to be outside.  it's been a win, win for everyone.  even truman likes going.  {except for the part where i make him stay in his stroller just a little longer than he wants to sometimes so i can get his brothers in the pool before he is loose.}  long story short i'm really glad we decided to do swim team this year.

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