Monday, June 13, 2011

isaac's "celebration of excellence"...

aka. kindergarten graduation. two days before school ended we were able to go to isaac's graduation.  i can't believe how fast this year has gone by.  it really does seem like it just started. and now he's all done with kindergarten and getting older by the second.  he had a really fun year and enjoyed kindergarten.  i loved that we were able to ride our bikes to school all year. i tried to be at school as much as possible this year.  i was able to volunteer as a room mom, go on one of the field trips, i was there for every event they had{that we didn't go out of town for}, i even was able to volunteer in the lunch room once a month which was fun.  beck and true loved any chance they got to go to isaac's school which was usually lunch.  sam was able to volunteer with the schools w.a.t.c.h dog program, which gets the dads to come and send a whole day at school helping out.  isaac loved it and can't wait for sam to do it again next year. we are so proud of the great boy he is and the great job he did this year.  isaac we love you.