Monday, June 27, 2011

it's been so dang HOT...

the other day we had to get creative.  the boys wanted to go out and play but it is really warm and we are on water restrictions so i can't turn the sprinklers for them.  i told them to just jump in the shower get all wet and then run outside.  they didn't think that was such a great idea, but then i offered to dump water on them if they went outside and that sounded much better.  i think i ended up dumping 10+ gallons of water on them with an old milk bottle that we filled up in the house.  it kept them outside long enough for dad to get home.

1 comment:

  1. So Mom told me the other day that you told Beck that it was going to be 78 degrees when y'all get to Utah, and he was concerned that he was going to freeze.
